Figure Caption
Fig. S6
Appl1 and Appl2 double knock-down
Apoptotic staining by AO (in white) on MOCK injected and Appl1/2 “low dose” double knock-down fish. 8 ng MO1A and 2 ng MO2 have been injected. Not the dramatic apoptosis in the olfactory system (asterisks), which is less pronounced in Appl1 morphants (see Figure 4). In contrast, apoptosis in the telencephalon (arrow) is of comparable level.
Figure Data
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Reprinted from Cell, 133(3), Schenck, A., Goto-Silva, L., Collinet, C., Rhinn, M., Giner, A., Habermann, B., Brand, M., and Zerial, M., The endosomal protein Appl1 mediates Akt substrate specificity and cell survival in vertebrate development, 486-497, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell