Fig. 3 Expression of the cyclic her genes in response to reduction of deltaC function. Expression in PSM of zebrafish cyclic genes her1 (A–H) and her7 (I–P) shown from 9 hpf (80% epiboly) to 13 hpf (7 somites). Expression of non-cyclic deltaD (dld; Q, R) and notch1a (S, T) shown at 14 hpf (10 somites). Embryos are displayed in whole mount (A, B, E, F, I, J, M, N) and in flat mount (C, D, G, H, K, L, O, P, Q–T) with (E–H, M–P, R, T) and without (A–D, I–L, Q, S) injection of 1 ng/nL dlcMO3 and dlcMO4. In each panel (A–D, I–L), two wild type embryos with representative phases of cyclic gene expression patterns are shown; wavelike expression domains are marked with asterisks. Batches of dlcMO-injected embryos show similar variability to wild type embryos at earlier stages (E, M), but at later stages, embryos in a batch are indistinguishable (H, P). Regions of invariant gene expression are denoted with brackets in panels (O), (H), and (P) and asterisks in panel (P). Note also that, across this time period, the level of transcript decreases in dlcMO-injected embryos. (Q, R) The effect of dlcMOs (as above) on the expression of deltaD showing a loss of patterning in the presence of normal levels of dld expression. (S, T) Expression levels of notch1a are not perturbed by injection of dlcMOs.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 280(1), Oates, A.C., Mueller, C., and Ho, R.K., Cooperative function of deltaC and her7 in anterior segment formation, 133-149, Copyright (2005) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.