Fig. 6 Effects of vegf-A antisense morpholino injection on the interrenal tissue. (A, B) Dorsal views of uninjected control (A) and vegf-A morphant (B) embryos after double ISH for wt1 (dark brown) and ff1b (red) at 51 hpf, oriented with anterior to the left. (C–N) Single confocal sections showing the dorsal views of interrenal tissues as detected by 3β-Hsd activity staining (C, F, I, L), and the neighboring ECs as labeled by green fluorescence (D, G, J, M), of 54 hpf (C–H) or 80 hpf (I–N) Tg(fli1:EGFP)Y1 embryos injected with STD-MO (C–E, I–K) and vegfMO (F–H, L–N), respectively and oriented with anterior to the top. The merged images of 3β-Hsd activity and GFP are shown in panels E, H, K and N. The convergence of pronephric but not interrenal tissues is perturbed in vegf-A morphants. PCV, posterior cardinal vein. Red arrows indicate interrenal tissues, while yellow arrowheads indicate glomeruli. Scale bar, 50 μM.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 297(1), Liu, Y.W., and Guo, L., Endothelium is required for the promotion of interrenal morphogenetic movement during early zebrafish development, 44-58, Copyright (2006) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.