Fig. 2

Figures for Cadwallader et al., 2006
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Expression of heparan sulfate (HS) 6-O-sulfotransferase (6-OST) genes during early zebrafish development. A-E: Expression of 6-OST-1a at two cell (A), 60% epiboly (B), 7 somite (C,D), and 18 somite (E) stages. F-J: Expression of 6-OST-1b at two cell (F), 60% epiboly (G), 7 somite (H,I), and 16 somite (J) stages. K-O: Expression of 6-OST-2 at two cell (K), 60% epiboly (L), 7 somite (M,N), and 18 somite (O) stages. P-T: Expression of 6-OST-3 at two cell (P), 60% epiboly (Q), 10 somite (R,S), and 18 somite (T) stages. DFC, dorsal forerunner cells; E, eye; HB, hindbrain; KV, Kupffer′s vesicle; S, somites; SC, spinal cord.

Figure Data
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