Fig. 8

Figures for Honjo et al., 2005
Figure Caption

Fig. 8 Slow muscle regulates neural crest migration. (A-C) Removal of adaxial cells (black box in A; absence of orange stain) results in disruption of neural crest cell (purple) migration. F59 staining reveals slow muscle cells (orange). (B,C) Higher magnification views of where adaxial cells were removed (B, black box in A) and normal slow muscle cells are present (C, blue box in A). (D) Control experiment in which adaxial cells were removed, but slow muscle cells are present at 21 hpf and neural crest migration is essentially normal. (E) Nomarski DIC image of wild-type embryo shows neural crest migrates in the middle of somite. (F-H) Transplantation of adaxial cells in smu mutants. (F,G) Nomarski DIC images show neural crest migration (crestin riboprobe; purple) and transplanted slow muscle cells (red). Somite boundaries are shown as broken lines. (H) F59 staining (green) of the same embryo shows wild-type adaxial cells. (G) Higher magnification of F. Wild-type adaxial cells transplanted dorsal of the notochord partially restored neural crest migration in the middle of the somite, whereas neural crest migrates on the boundaries of somites without slow muscle. Scale bar: 85 µm in A; 75 µm in B,C; 70 µm in D-F; 40 µm in G,H.

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