
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
upv4 tmem38b
upv5 tmem38b
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR1-tmem38b
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR1-tmem38b
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR1-tmem38b
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
vertebra decreased length, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 3 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin mpeg1.1 expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin sp7 expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 5 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin actinotrichium decreased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
notochordal ossification bone mineralization decreased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 3 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
vertebra decreased height, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 3 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin principal ray bone mineralization increased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 5 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin ctsk expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
skeletal tissue collagen metabolic process decreased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin actinotrichium decreased length, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
whole organism decreased length, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 3 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin tnfrsf11b expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin bglap expression decreased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 5 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
brain tmem38b expression decreased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 2 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
integument collagen metabolic process decreased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin acp5a expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin principal ray increased length, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 5 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
osteoblast endoplasmic reticulum cisternal network increased size, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin principal ray bone mineralization decreased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 5 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin bglap expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 5 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
fibroblast collagen biosynthetic process process quality, ameliorated tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) chemical treatment by environment: 4-phenylbutyrate Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
fibroblast endoplasmic reticulum cisternal network increased size, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
fibroblast collagen biosynthetic process increased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
swim bladder swim bladder inflation decreased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv4/upv4 (AB) standard conditions Figure 3 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin mpeg1.1 expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
fibroblast collagen biosynthetic process process quality, ameliorated tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) chemical treatment by environment: 4-phenylbutyrate Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin actinotrichium decreased length, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin tnfrsf11b expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin ctsk expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
caudal fin acp5a expression increased amount, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) amputation: caudal fin Figure 6 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
fibroblast collagen biosynthetic process increased process quality, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
fibroblast endoplasmic reticulum cisternal network increased size, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023
osteoblast endoplasmic reticulum cisternal network increased size, abnormal tmem38bupv5/upv5 (AB) standard conditions Figure 4 with image from Tonelli et al., 2023