
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
co3005 her6
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR5-her6
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR5-her6
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR5-her6
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
ceratohyal cartilage position, abnormal her9co66/co66; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
lens duplicated, abnormal her9co66/co66; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
opercle bone mineralization decreased process quality, abnormal her9co66/co66; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
hyomandibular foramen morphology, abnormal jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/+ standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
palatoquadrate cartilage decreased size, abnormal jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/+ standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
opercle decreased size, abnormal jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/+ standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
hyomandibular foramen morphology, abnormal jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
palatoquadrate cartilage decreased size, abnormal jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
opercle decreased size, abnormal jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 8 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
dorsal/ventral pattern formation process quality, abnormal her9co66/+; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 9 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
pharyngeal arch 2 dorsal region dlx5a expression mislocalised, abnormal her9co66/+; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 9 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
pharyngeal arch 2 ventral region dlx5a expression absent, abnormal her9co66/+; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 9 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
branchiostegal ray fan-shaped, abnormal her9co66/+; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 9 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
opercle linear, abnormal her9co66/+; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 9 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
branchiostegal ray fused with opercle, abnormal her9co66/+; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 9 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
branchiostegal ray distended, abnormal her9co66/+; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure 9 with image from Stenzel et al., 2022
whole organism embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching delayed, abnormal her9co66/co66; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure S6 from Stenzel et al., 2022
whole organism edematous, abnormal her9co66/co66; jag1bb1105/b1105; her6co3005/co3005 standard conditions Figure S6 from Stenzel et al., 2022