ZFIN Publication ID PubMed ID Authors Title Journal Year Volume Pages ZDB-PUB-040217-2 12477932 Strausberg,R.L., Feingold,E.A., Grouse,L.H., Derge,J.G., Klausner,R.D., Collins,F.S., Wagner,L., Shenmen,C.M., Schuler,G.D., Altschul,S.F., Zeeberg,B., Buetow,K.H., Schaefer,C.F., Bhat,N.K., Hopkins,R.F., Jordan,H., Moore,T., Max,S.I., Wang,J., Hsieh,F., Diatchenko,L., Marusina,K., Farmer,A.A., Rubin,G.M., Hong,L., Stapleton,M., Soares,M.B., Bonaldo,M.F., Casavant,T.L., Scheetz,T.E., Brownstein,M.J., Usdin,T.B., Toshiyuki,S., Carninci,P., Prange,C., Raha,S.S., Loquellano,N.A., Peters,G.J., Abramson,R.D., Mullahy,S.J., Bosak,S.A., McEwan,P.J., McKernan,K.J., Malek,J.A., Gunaratne,P.H., Richards,S., Worley,K.C., Hale,S., Garcia,A.M., Gay,L.J., Hulyk,S.W., Villalon,D.K., Muzny,D.M., Sodergren,E.J., Lu,X., Gibbs,R.A., Fahey,J., Helton,E., Ketteman,M., Madan,A., Rodrigues,S., Sanchez,A., Whiting,M., Madan,A., Young,A.C., Shevchenko,Y., Bouffard,G.G., Blakesley,R.W., Touchman,J.W., Green,E.D., Dickson,M.C., Rodriguez,A.C., Grimwood,J., Schmutz,J., Myers,R.M., Butterfield,Y.S., Krzywinski,M.I., Skalska,U., Smailus,D.E., Schnerch,A., Schein,J.E., Jones,S.J., and Marra,M.A. Generation and initial analysis of more than 15,000 full-length human and mouse cDNA sequences Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2002 99(26) 16899-903 ZDB-PUB-050823-6 16109975 Woods, I.G., Wilson, C., Friedlander, B., Chang, P., Reyes, D.K., Nix, R., Kelly, P.D., Chu, F., Postlethwait, J.H., and Talbot, W.S. The zebrafish gene map defines ancestral vertebrate chromosomes Genome research 2005 15(9) 1307-1314 ZDB-PUB-070210-32 17251491 Leung, Y.F., Ma, P., and Dowling, J.E. Gene expression profiling of zebrafish embryonic retinal pigment epithelium in vivo Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2007 48(2) 881-890 ZDB-PUB-070726-29 17640903 Wang, D., Jao, L.E., Zheng, N., Dolan, K., Ivey, J., Zonies, S., Wu, X., Wu, K., Yang, H., Meng, Q., Zhu, Z., Zhang, B., Lin, S., and Burgess, S.M. Efficient genome-wide mutagenesis of zebrafish genes by retroviral insertions Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2007 104(30) 12428-12433 ZDB-PUB-100330-18 20335443 Mangos, S., Lam, P.Y., Zhao, A., Liu, Y., Mudumana, S., Vasilyev, A., Liu, A., and Drummond, I.A. 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A large-scale zebrafish gene knockout resource for the genome-wide study of gene function Genome research 2013 23(4) 727-735 ZDB-PUB-140210-27 24333517 Gray, R.S., Wilm, T.P., Smith, J., Bagnat, M., Dale, R.M., Topczewski, J., Johnson, S.L., and Solnica-Krezel, L. Loss of col8a1a function during zebrafish embryogenesis results in congenital vertebral malformations Developmental Biology 2014 386(1) 72-85 ZDB-PUB-140513-357 24627348 Le Corre, S., Eyre, D., Drummond, I.A. Modulation of the Secretory Pathway Rescues Zebrafish Polycystic Kidney Disease Pathology Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN 2014 25(8) 1749-59 ZDB-PUB-140513-85 24767999 Coxam, B., Sabine, A., Bower, N.I., Smith, K.A., Pichol-Thievend, C., Skoczylas, R., Astin, J.W., Frampton, E., Jaquet, M., Crosier, P.S., Parton, R.G., Harvey, N.L., Petrova, T.V., Schulte-Merker, S., Francois, M., Hogan, B.M. 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Follistatin is a novel therapeutic target and biomarker in FLT3/ITD acute myeloid leukemia EMBO Molecular Medicine 2020 12(4) e10895 ZDB-PUB-201002-117 32958954 Head, B., La Du, J., Tanguay, R.L., Kioussi, C., Traber, M.G. Vitamin E is necessary for zebrafish nervous system development Scientific Reports 2020 10 15028 ZDB-PUB-220801-3 36659403 Xiong, S., Wu, J, Jing, J., Huang, P., Li, Z., Mei, J., Gui, J.F, Loss of stat3 function leads to spine malformation and immune disorder in zebrafish Science Bulletin 2017 62 Pages 185-196 ZDB-PUB-221109-4 36346812 Watson, C.J., Tang, W.J., Rojas, M.F., Fiedler, I.A.K., Morfin Montes de Oca, E., Cronrath, A.R., Callies, L.K., Swearer, A.A., Ahmed, A.R., Sethuraman, V., Addish, S., Farr, G.H., Gómez, A.E., Rai, J., Monstad-Rios, A.T., Gardiner, E.M., Karasik, D., Maves, L., Busse, B., Hsu, Y.H., Kwon, R.Y. wnt16 regulates spine and muscle morphogenesis through parallel signals from notochord and dermomyotome PLoS Genetics 2022 18 e1010496 ZDB-PUB-221203-3 36458546 Rayrikar, A.Y., Wagh, G.A., Santra, M., Patra, C. Ccn2a-FGFR1-SHH signaling is necessary for intervertebral disc homeostasis and regeneration in adult zebrafish Development (Cambridge, England) 2022 150(1)