ZFIN Publication ID PubMed ID Authors Title Journal Year Volume Pages ZDB-PUB-160706-14 27373161 Otten, A.B., Theunissen, T.E., Derhaag, J.G., Lambrichs, E.H., Boesten, I.B., Winandy, M., van Montfoort, A.P., Tarbashevich, K., Raz, E., Gerards, M., Vanoevelen, J.M., van den Bosch, B.J., Muller, M., Smeets, H.J. Differences in Strength and Timing of the mtDNA Bottleneck between Zebrafish Germline and Non-germline Cells Cell Reports 2016 16(3) 622-30 ZDB-PUB-171220-6 29257950 Gross-Thebing, T., Yigit, S., Pfeiffer, J., Reichman-Fried, M., Bandemer, J., Ruckert, C., Rathmer, C., Goudarzi, M., Stehling, M., Tarbashevich, K., Seggewiss, J., Raz, E. The Vertebrate Protein Dead End Maintains Primordial Germ Cell Fate by Inhibiting Somatic Differentiation Developmental Cell 2017 43 704-715.e5